Amiga Plus 1995 #3 & #4
Amiga Plus CD - 1995 - No. 3 and 4.iso
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Text File
128 lines
Name : Polyzygotronifikator
Aliases : No Aliases
Type/Size : Link/1236 +/- ca.300 bytes (? VARIES!!!!)
Clones : No Clones
Symptoms : No Symptoms
Discovered : 03-08-94
Way to infect: Link infection
Rating : Less Dangerous
Kickstarts : 2.0 and higher
Damage : Some file can be defective.
Removal : Use good Viruskiller.
Comments : Here it is...... the first REAL POLYMORPHING linkvirus
for the AMIGA. The Polyzygotronifikator Virus is a
tricky virus and well coded. It crypts the whole virus
and the location of decrypt routine varies, the byte
lenght of the virus varies and the decrypt registers
always varies.
The virus patches the LoadSeg()-Vector from the dos.-
library so it can infect all executed files. But only
if this link-conditions are met:
- In filename NO "." and NO "-"
That means NO infection of libraries and Handlers
- Only HD will be infected NO Disks. (Test of
8000 blocks)
- 10 blocks free.
- File Executable.
- Device validated.
The virus loads an executed file and searches for a
special assembler-command from the beginning of file.
FOR ASSEMBLERS: Move.l 4,a6 or Move.l 4.w,a6). This
command will be replaced by another assembler command
which will FIRST jumps to the virus and then back to
the normal programm. (For assemblers: BSR.L) This is a
new method of link-infection.
The whole virus is crypted depending of DFF006. The
virus can`t be linked twice on the same file because
it tests for $1994 at the end of the first hunk. The
memory self-check will be done with the longword
It`s very difficult to indentify this virus. You have
a little chance by checking the last word of every 1st
CODE-HUNK for $1994.
This virus was probably done by a very professional
assembler-coder (?!?!). I infected 3 SAME files (CLS)
and the result was:
Cls Normal = 148 bytes
Cls Infected = 1434 bytes
Cls again Infected = 1430 bytes
Cls and again infected = 1420 bytes
As you can see the lenght of the virus varies every
time. And the decrunch routine changes every time. An
example (For Assember-FEAKS):
Movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
bra.s _1
*BETWEEN here 16 bytes GABRAGE
lea virus(pc),a1
bra.s _2
*BETWEEN here 8 bytes GABRAGE
move.l #XXX,d0
*BETWEEN here 20 bytes GABRAGE
After another infection the same area again:
Movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
bra.s _1
*BETWEEN here 8 bytes GABRAGE
lea virus(pc),a5
bra.s _2
*BETWEEN here 16 bytes GABRAGE
move.l #XXX,d2
*BETWEEN here 32 bytes GABRAGE
And so on and so on .....
As you can see NOT only the distance between the
different commands varies the register numbers, too.
In the decoded virus you can read:
"Don`t think about it! You`re simply infected"
"with the Polyzygotronifikator... (Polymorphing
A.D 08-94